Ανακοινώσεις στο Εξωτερικό
Περιλήψεις (Abstracts)
- KARAMANOS B, STERGIOU GS, TOUNTAS CH, KOFINIS A. The effect of age on fasting plasma glucose: an epidemiological approach. 28th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 8-11/9/1992. Diabetologia 1992; 35:A132.
- HENDRY A, STOTT DJ, STERGIOU GS, MCLAUGHLIN A, DAVIES DL, MCINNES GT. Diuretic induced hyponatremia in elderly patients with congestive heart failure. Scottish Geriatric Society Meeting, Glasgow, 18/11/1993.
- STERGIOU GS, HANNAH JA, BEVAN EG, LORIMER H, CARMICHEL H, HETTIARACHICHI, MCINNES GT. Combined atriopeptidase inhibition and ACE inhibition in hypertensive patients. British Hypertension Society Annual Meeting, Dublin 9-21/9/1994. J Hypertens 1994, 12:1310-1.
- STATHOPOULOS GP, STERGIOU GS, PAPAKOSTAS P, SAMELIS GF, MICHAILAKIS E, MALAMOS N, GOLEMATIS B. 5-Fluorouracil and Mitomycin-C versus 5-Fluorouracil, Mitomycin-C and Adriamycin in advanced colorectal cancer. 19th Congress of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO), Lisbon 18-22/11/1994. Annals of Oncology 1994; 5(suppl 8):51.
- HENDRY A, STERGIOU GS, STOTT DJ, MCLAUGHLIN A, DAVIES DL, MCINNES GT. Hyponatremia in elderly patients prescribed combination diuretic therapy. Scottish Geriatric Society Meeting, Glasgow, 6/1994 and British Geriatric Society Annual Meeting, London, 10/1994.
- STERGIOU GS, MALAKOS JS. VOUTSA AV, ACHIMASTOS AD, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Home monitoring of blood pressure: Limited value in general practice. 7th Meeting of the European Society of Hypertension, Milan, Italy 9-12/6/1995.
- THEODOSIADIS G, MARIS A, PANAGOU I, DIONYSSOPOULOU D, BELEGRATI M, STERGIOU GS, DIGENOPOULOU E, KONTOPOULOU-GRIVA I.Early effects of rh G/GM-CSF on vitamin K dependent factors. Preliminary data. Second Meeting of the British Society of Haematology and the European Haematology Association, Paris, France, 30/6/1996. Br J Haematol 1996;93(suppl 2):13.
- STERGIOU GS, MALAKOS JS, ZOURBAKI A, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Effect of siesta on ambulatory blood pressure data analysis. 16th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension/World Health Organisation (ISH/WHO). Glasgow, U.K. 23-27/6/1996.
- STERGIOU GS, HANNAH JA, BEVAN EG, LORIMER H, CARMICHEL H, HETTIARACHICHI, MCINNES GT. Twenty-four hour blood pressure control with combined atriopeptidase inhibition and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition. 16th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension / World Health Organisation (ISH/WHO). Glasgow, U.K. 23-27/6/1996.
- ACHIMASTOS A, PAPARGYRIOU J, MANOLIS A, STERGIOU G, PAPADOYIANNIS D, PAPAZACHOS G, TOULOUZAS P. Effect of once daily administration of cilazapril on clinic and ambulatory blood pressure. European Society of Cardiology, Birmingham, UK, 25-29/08/1996.
- STERGIOU GS, ZOURBAKI AS, SKEVA II, ACHIMASTOS AD, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Self-monitoring of blood pressure at home: how many measurements? 8th Meeting of the European Society of Hypertension, Milan, Italy 16/6/1997. J Hypertens 1997, 15(suppl 4):S112.
- ACHIMASTOS AD, PAPARGYRIOU I, MANOLIS A, STERGIOU GS, APADOGIANNIS D, PAPAZACHOS G, TOUTOUZAS P. Effect of once daily administration of cilazapril on clinic and ambulatory blood pressure. 8th Annual Meeting of the Mediterranean Association of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery. Beirut, Lebanon 8-11/10/1997.
- STERGIOU GS, ZOURBAKI A, SKEVA II, KOUYIOUMJOGLOU J, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Can self-monitoring of blood pressure at home replace ambulatory monitoring in the assessment of the white coat effect? 17th Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension / World Health Organisation (ISH/WHO), 6-14/6/1998, Αmsterdam. J Hypertens 1998, 16(suppl 2):S206. 13th Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Hypertension, 13-16/5/1998, New York USA. Am J Hypertens 1998; 11:65A.
- STERGIOU GS, SKEVA II, ZOURBAKI AS, PAPANTONOPOULOU S, ACHIMASTOS AD, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Diagnosis of hypertension using home or ambulatory monitoring of blood pressure: comparison with International Society of Hypertension / World Health Organisation (ISH/WHO) strategy. 17th Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension / World Health Organisation (ISH/WHO), 6-14/6/1998, Αmsterdam. J Hypertens 1998; 16(suppl 2):S206. 13th Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Hypertension, 13-16/5/1998, New York USA. Am J Hypertens 1998; 11:65A.
- STERGIOU GS, THOMOPOULOU GC, SKEVA II, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension in Greece: The Didima study. 14th Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Hypertension, 19-22/5/1999, New York USA. Am J Hypertens 1999; 12:94A.
- STERGIOU GS, GANTZAROU AP, BAIBAS NM, SKEVA II, ACHIMASTOS AD, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Which is the best method to estimate pulse pressure: using clinic, home or ambulatory measurements? 14th Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Hypertension, 19-22/5/1999, New York USA. Am J Hypertens 1999; 12:158A.
- STERGIOU GS, BAIBAS NM, GANTZAROU AP, SKEVA II, ACHIMASTOS AD, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Reproducibility of clinic, ambulatory and home blood pressure: Implications on the design of trials for the assessment of antihypertensive drug action. 14th Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Hypertension, 19-22/5/1999, New York USA. Am J Hypertens 1999;12:158A.
- STERGIOU GS, THOMOPOULOU GC, SKEVA II, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD.Home blood pressure normalcy: The Didima study. 14th Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Hypertension, 19-22/5/1999, New York USA. Am J Hypertens 1999;12(4):167A. 9th Meeting of the European Society of Hypertension, Milan, Italy 11-15/6/1999. J Hypertens 1999;17(suppl 3):S24.
- STERGIOU GS, SKEVA II, BAIBAS NM, ROUSSIAS LG, KALKANA CB, ACHIMASTOS AD, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Additive hypotensive effect of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition and angiotensin receptor antagonism in essential hypertension. 10th Meeting of the European Society of Hypertension, Gotemburg, Sweden 2000. 18th Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension, Chicago USA, August 2000.
- STERGIOU GS, SKEVA II, BAIBAS NM, KALKANA CB, ROUSSIAS LG, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Diagnosis of hypertension using home or ambulatory blood pressure monitoring: Comparison with the conventional strategy based on repeated clinic blood pressure measurements. 10th Meeting of the European Society of Hypertension, June 2000 Gotemburg, Sweden. 18th Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension, Chicago USA, August 2000
- STERGIOU GS, SKEVA II, BAIBAS NM, KALKANA CB, ROUSSIAS LG, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Does the antihypertensive response to angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition predict the antihypertensive response to angiotensin receptor antagonism? 10th Meeting of the European Society of Hypertension, Gotemburg, Sweden, June 2000.
- ACHIMASTOS A, BENETOS A, STERGIOU GS, KALKANA CB, ARGYRAKI K, BAIBAS N, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Differential effect of high cholesterol on aortic stiffnes in normotesive and hypertensive Greek men. 10th Meeting of the European Society of Hypertension, Gotemburg, Sweden. June 2000.
- KAROTSIS AK, STERGIOU GS, SIMEONIDIS ATHA, VASILOPOULOU VA, SOLOMON SI, MORAITIS K, MERKOURIS BR. Aggressive Blood Pressure Control in General Practice (ABC-GP) Study. 2001 Conference of the European Society of General Practice (WONCA Region Europe). Tampere, Finland 3-7 June 2001.
- KAROTSIS AK, SIMEONIDIS A, STERGIOU GS. Evaluation of the performance of Greek General Practitioners in hypertension management. 2001 Conference of the European Society of General Practice (WONCA Region Europe). Tampere, Finland 3-7 June 2001.
- STERGIOU GS, ARGYRAKI CK, BAIBAS NM, SKEVA II, KALKANA CB, ROUSSIAS LG, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Problems in the detection of non-dippers hypertensives in clinical practice. 16th Meeting of the American Society of Hypertension, May 2001, San Francisco USA. 11th Meeting of the European Society of Hypertension, Milan, Italy, June 2001.
- STERGIOU GS, BAIBAS NM, GANTZAROU AP, SKEVA II, KALKANA CB, ROUSSIAS LG, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Reproducibility of home, ambulatory and clinic blood pressure: implications for the design of trials for the assessment of antihypertensive drug efficacy. 16th Meeting of the American Society of Hypertension, May 2001, San Francisco USA. 11th Meeting of the European Society of Hypertension, Milan, Italy, June 2001.
- SYMEONIDIS ATH, STERGIOU GS, VASSILOPOULOU VA, KAROTSIS AK, FOR THE ABC-GP STUDY GROUP. Aggressive blood pressure control in general practice (ABC-GP) study: Can the new targets be reached? Conference of the European Society of General Practice (WONCA Region Europe). London, May 2002. 17th Meeting of the American Society of Hypertension, New York, USA, May 2002.
- KAROTSIS AK, STERGIOU GS, VASSILOPOULOU VA, SYMEONIDIS ATH, FOR THE ABC-GP STUDY GROUP. Aggressive blood pressure control in general practice (ABC-GP) study: Stepwise versus individualized treatment strategy. Conference of the European Society of General Practice (WONCA Region Europe). London, May 2002. 17th Meeting of the American Society of Hypertension, New York, USA, May 2002.
- STERGIOU GS, VEMMOS KN, PLIARCHOPOULOU KM, SYNETOS AG, ROUSSIAS LG, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Parallel morning and evening surge in stroke onset, blood pressure and physical activity. 12th Meeting of the European Society of Hypertension, June 2002, Prague. 17th Meeting of the American Society of Hypertension, New York, USA, May 2002.
- STERGIOU GS, EFSTATHIOU SP, ARGYRAKI CK, GANTZAROU AP, ROUSSIAS LG, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Clinic, home and ambulatory pulse pressure: Comparison and reproducibility. 12th Meeting of the European Society of Hypertension, June 2002, Prague. 17th Meeting of the American Society of Hypertension, New York, USA, May 2002.
- ACHIMASTOS AD, PANAGIOTOU TN, EFSTATHIOU SP, CHRISTOFORATOS T, STERGIOU GS, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Prevalence of the metabolic syndrome and its association with arterial stiffness in Greek industrial workers. 18th International Diabetes Federation Congress, Paris, August 24-29, 2003.
- STERGIOU GS, ALAMARA C, SKEVA I, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Diagnostic value of strategy for the detection of white coat hypertension based on ambulatory and home blood pressure monitoring. 13th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan, Italy, 13-17/6/2003.
- STERGIOU GS, ALAMARA CV, SKEVA II, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Insurance policy for coverage of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring leaves many white coat hypertensives undiagnosed. 18th American Society of Hypertension Meeting, New York, USA, 14-17/5/2003.
- STERGIOU GS, EFSTATHIOU S, ARGYRAKI C, ROUSSIAS L, MOUNTOKALAKIS T. White coat effect in treated versus untreated hypertensives: a case-control study using ambulatory and home blood pressure monitoring. 13th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan, Italy, 13-17/6/2003.
- STERGIOU GS, EFSTATHIOU SP, ROUSSIAS LG, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Blood pressure and pulse pressure lowering effects, trough: peak ratio and smoothness index of telmisartan compared to lisinopril. 18th American Society of Hypertension Meeting, New York, USA, 14-17/5/2003.
- STERGIOU GS, EFSTATHIOU SP, SKEVA II, BAIBAS NM, ROUSSIAS LG, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Smoothness index, trough: peak ratio and morning: evening ratio: similarities and differences. 18th American Society of Hypertension Meeting, New York, USA, 14-17/5/2003. 13th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan, Italy, 13-17/6/2003.
- KAROTSIS AK, SYMEONIDIS ATH, MASTORANTONAKIS S, STERGIOU GS. Which is the best antihypertensive drug to add in hypertensive patients uncontrolled on diltiazem monotherapy? 17th World Meeting of Family Doctors (WONCA). Orlando 15/10/2004.
- STERGIOU GS, ALAMARA CV, KALKANA CB, VAINDIRLIS IN, STEFANIDIS CJ, DAKOU-VOUTETAKI C, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Out-of-office blood pressure in children and adolescents: disparate findings by using home or ambulatory monitoring. 20th International Society of Hypertension Meeting, Sao Paolo, Brazil, 15-19/2/2004 and 14th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Paris, France, 13-17/6/2004.
- STERGIOU GS, ALAMARA CV, SALGAMI EV, VAINDIRLIS IN, DACOU-VOUTETAKIS C, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Reproducibility of home and ambulatory blood pressure in children and adolescents. 19th American Society of Hypertension Meeting, New York, USA, 18-22/5/2004.
- STERGIOU GS, EFSTATHIOU S, INGLIS G, CONNELL G, MCINNES G, MOUNTOKALAKIS T. Renin-angiotensin system gene polymorphisms fail to predict antihypertensive responses to ACE inhibition or angiotensin blockade. 14th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Paris, France, 13-17/6/2004 and 20th International Society of Hypertension Meeting, Sao, Paolo, Brazil, 15-19/2/2004.
- STERGIOU GS, EFSTATHIOU SP, ROUSSIAS LG, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Comparison of intraindividual blood pressure responses to ACE inhibition and angiotensin blockade. 19th American Society of Hypertension Meeting, New York, USA, 18-22/5/2004.
- STERGIOU GS, MAKRIS T, PAPAVASILIOU M, EFSTATHIOU S, VOTEAS V, FOUSAS S, ACHIMASTOS A, MANOLIS A. Additive effects of an ACE inhibitor vs. a Ca antagonist vs, a diuretic in hypertensive controlled on angiotensin receptor blocker monotherapy. 20th International Society of Hypertension Meeting, Sao Paolo, Brazil, 15-19/2/2004 and 14th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Paris, France, 13-17/6/2004.
- STERGIOU GS, ALAMARA CV, STEFANIDIS CJ, VAZEOU A. Office and out-of-office blood pressure in normotensive adolescents and young adults with type-1 diabetes. 15th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan, Italy, 17-21/6/2005 and 20th American Society of Hypertension Meeting San Francisco, California, 14-18/5/2005.
- STERGIOU GS, BAIBAS N, SKEVA II, DAMIANIDIS G, DOUITSIS P, TERZI I, SIDIROPOULOS A, KAKAVAS N, LIAKOPOULOS N. Effectiveness of guidelines implementation for the control of multiple cardiovascular risk factors in high-risk patients in practice. 15th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan, Italy, 17-21/6/2005 and 20th American Society of Hypertension Meeting San Francisco, California, 14-18/5/2005.
- STERGIOU GS, LOURIDA P, TZAMOURANIS D, ACHIMASTOS A, BAIBAS N, YIANNES N. When does the oscillometric technique fail to provide accurate blood pressure readings? 15th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan, Italy 17-21/6/2005.
- SYMEONIDIS A, KAROTSIS A, MASTORANTONAKIS S, STERGIOU GS. Home versus clinic blood pressure monitoring in the assessment of the antihypertensive efficacy of combination pharmacotherapy. 20th American Society of Hypertension Meeting San Francisco, California, 14-18/5/2005.
- TSIAKOU A, EFSTATHIOU S, SPENGOS K, STERGIOU G, ACHIMASTOS A, MOUNTOKALAKIS T. Association of plasma adiponectin with extent of brain injury, clinical severity and early mortality in patients with ischemic stroke. 58th Annual Meeting of American Academy of Neurology, San Diego, USA, 04/2006.
- STERGIOU G, RARRA V, YIANNES N. Validation of the Omron 705 IT oscillometric device for home blood pressure measurement in children and adolescents: The Arsakion school study. 21th American Society of Hypertension Meeting, N. York, 05/2006.
- STERGIOU GS, ARGYRAKI A, MOYSSAKIS I, ACHIMASTOS A, KARAMANOS V. ROUSSIAS L. Home blood pressure is as reliable as ambulatory blood pressure in predicting target organ damage in hypertension. 21th American Society of Hypertension Meeting, N. York, 05/2006.
- STERGIOU G, YIANNES N, RARRA V. Home blood pressure measurement in children and adolescents: The Arsakion school study. 21th American Society of Hypertension Meeting, N. York, 05/2006.
- STERGIOU G, GIOVAS P, NEOFYTOU M, ADAMOPOULOS D. Validation of the Microlife BPA100 Plus device for self-home blood pressure measurement according to the International Protocol. 16th European Meeting on Hypertension, Madrid 6/2006.
- STERGIOU G, YIANNES N, RARRA V, PANAGIOTAKOS D. Home blood pressure normalcy in children and adolescents: The Arsakion School Study. 16th European Meeting on Hypertension, Madrid 6/2006.
- STERGIOU G, KALOGEROPOULOS P, SARANTOS K, BAIBAS N. Cardiovascular risk prediction based on home versus office blood pressure measurement: The Didima Study. 16th European Meeting on Hypertension, Madrid 6/2006.
- STERGIOU G, GIOVAS P, JAENECKE B, CHANG A, YEN CY, TAN T. Microlife Watch BP Monitor: A tool for reliable home BP monitoring designed strictly according to the European Society of Hypertension Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring (ESH-WG) recommendations. 21th International Society of Hypertension Meeting, Fukuoda, Japan, 10/2006.
- STERGIOU G, RARRA V, YIANNES N. Changing relationship between home blood pressure (HBP) and office blood pressure (OBP) with increasing age in children: the Arsakion School Study. 21th International Society of Hypertension Meeting, Fukuoda, Japan, 10/2006.
- STERGIOU G, CRISTODOULAKIS G, GIOVAS P, LOURIDA P, ALAMARA C. Home blood pressure monitoring in children: how many measurements are needed. 17th European Meeting on Hypertension, Milan 6/2007.
- STERGIOU G, GIOVAS P, LOURIDA P, ALAMARA C. Home versus ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in the diagnosis of hypertension, white coat hypertension and masked hypertension in children. 17th European Meeting on Hypertension, Milan 6/2007.
- STERGIOU G, GIOVAS P, GKINOS C, TZAMOURANIS D. Validation of the A&D UM-101 professional device for office blood pressure measurement according to the international protocol. 17th European Meeting on Hypertension, Milan 6/2007.
- STERGIOU G, MASTORANTONAKIS S, ROUSSIAS L. Which is the best method to assess morning blood pressure surge? 17th European Meeting on Hypertension, Milan 6/2007.
- STERGIOU G, CRISTODOULAKIS G, KALOGEROPOULOS P, GIOVAS P. Clinical evaluation of wrist devices for home blood pressure monitoring in comparison to arm devices and ambulatory monitoring. 17th European Meeting on Hypertension, Milan 6/2007.
- STERGIOU G, RARRA V, YIANNES N. Changing relationship between home and office blood pressure with increasing age in children: the Arsakeion school study. 17th European meeting on Hypertension, Milan 6/2007.
- ANASTASOPOULOU I, LAIKOU E, SAKISLIS G, TSOUCALA C, GAVALAKI M, ADAMOPOULOS A, STERGIOU G, MARKAKIS K, KARAFOULIDOU A. Does administration of lansoprazole affect ASA antoplatelet function in high risk cardiovascular patients? Preliminary results. 21st Congress International Society of Thrombosis & Haemostasis, 08/2007.
- PROTOGEROU A, STERGIOU G, LOURIDA P, ACHIMASTOS A. Relationship between arterial stiffness and orthostatic blood pressure changes in treated and untreated hypertensives. 22nd International Society of Hypertension Meeting and 18th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Berlin 6/2008.
- STERGIOU G, TZAMOURANIS D, PROTOGEROU A, NASOTHIMIOU E, KAPRALOS C. Validation of the Microlife WatchBP Office professional device for office blood pressure measurement according to the International Protocol. 22nd International Society of Hypertension Meeting and 18th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Berlin 6/2008.
- STERGIOU G, RARRA C, YIANNES N. Masked and white coat hypertension in children and adolescents detected by home blood pressure monitoring: The Arsakeion School study. 22nd International Society of Hypertension Meeting and 18th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Berlin 6/2008.
- STERGIOU G, NASOTHIMIOU E, GIOVAS P, RARRA V, YIANNES N. Long-term reproducibility of home versus office blood pressure in children and adolescents: The Arsakeion school study. 22nd International Society of Hypertension Meeting and 18th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Berlin 6/2008.
- PROTOGEROU A, STERGIOU G, NASOTHIMIOU E, TZAMOURANIS D, ACHIMASTOS A. Comparison of two devices for automated pulse wave velocity measurement. 22nd International Society of Hypertension Meeting and 18th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Berlin 6/2008.
- STERGIOU G, NASOTHIMIOU E, KALOGEROPOULOS P, BAIBAS N. Prognostic value of home blood pressure: How many and which measurements? The DIDIMA study. 22nd International Society of Hypertension Meeting and 18th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Berlin 6/2008.
- STERGIOU G, LIN CW, LIN CM, CHANG SL, PROTOGEROU A, TZAMOURANIS D, NASOTHIMIOU E, TAN TM. An automated device that complies with current guidelines for office blood pressure measurement: Design and pilot application study of the Microlife WatchBP Office device. 22nd International Society of Hypertension Meeting and 18th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Berlin 6/2008.
- PROTOGEROU A, BLACHER J, STERGIOU G, LOURIDA P, ACHIMASTOS A, SAFAR M. Baseline pulse wave velocity is an independent predictor of the blood pressure reduction and effective blood pressure control: The REASON study. 22nd International Society of Hypertension Meeting and 18th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Berlin 6/2008.
- STERGIOU G, TZAMOURANIS D, NASOTHIMIOU E, PROTOGEROU A. Validation of the Visomat Comfort 20/40 oscillometric device designed for self-home blood pressure measurement using a single cuff according to the International Protocol. 22nd International Society of Hypertension Meeting and 18th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Berlin 6/2008.
- STERGIOU G, MASTORANTONAKIS S, ROUSSIAS G. Intraindividual reproducibility of blood pressure surge upon rising after nighttime sleep and siesta. 22nd International Society of Hypertension Meeting and 18th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Berlin 6/2008.
- PIKILLIDOU M, TSIROU E, KONSTAS A, SARAFIDIS P, STERGIOU G, LASARIDIS A. The impact of hospitalization on 24-hour blood pressure in subjects with mild to mederate arterial hypertension: A preliminary analysis. 2nd World Congress on Controversies in Diabetes, Obesity and Hypertension (CODHy). Barcelona 11/2008.
- STERGIOU GS, TZAMOURANIS D, NASOTHIMIOU E, KARPETTAS N, PROTOGEROU A. A novel dual-mode ambulatory and home blood pressure monitor: validation according to the European Society Of Hypertension International Protocol. 24th American Society of Hypertension Meeting, San Francisco 5/2009.
- STERGIOU GS, NASOTHIMIOU E, KARPETTAS N, TZAMOURANIS D, PROTOGEROU A. Are there really any differences between home and daytime ambulatory blood pressure measurements? Comparison of the two out-of-office BP measurement methods using the same device. 24th American Society of Hypertension Meeting, San Francisco 5/2009.
- STERGIOU GS, KARPETTAS N, PROTOGEROU A, NASOTHIMIOU E, KYRIAKIDIS M. Diagnostic accuracy of a home blood pressure monitor to detect atrial fibrillation. 19th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2009.
- STERGIOU GS, NASOTHIMIOU E, ROUSSIAS LG. Home or ambulatory morning blood pressure monitoring: two different aspects of the same phenomenon? 19th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2009.
- ISHIKAWA J, NASOTHIMIOU E, KARPETTAS N, FELTHEIMER SD, SCHWARTZ JE, STERGIOU G, PICKERING TG. Feasibility of a home blood pressure monitor equipped with an ambulatory blood pressure monitoring function. 19th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2009.
- ISHIKAWA J, NASOTHIMIOU E, KARPETTAS N, FELTHEIMER SD, SCHWARTZ JE, STERGIOU G, PICKERING TG. Ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) measured using a dual home BP (HBP)/ABP monitoring device is related to ABP measured by a conventional ABP monitoring independently of HBP. 19th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2009.
- ISHIKAWA J, NASOTHIMIOU E, KARPETTAS N, FELTHEIMER SD, SCHWARTZ JE, STERGIOU G, PICKERING TG. Automatic office blood pressure measurement without doctors or nurses present is more predictive of ambulatory blood pressure than is office blood pressure by mercury sphygmomanometer. 19th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2009.
- STERGIOU G, ALAMARA C, DRAKATOS A, STEFANIDIS C, VAZEOU A. Prediction of albuminuria by different blood pressure measurement methods in type 1 diabetes. 19th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2009.
- PIKILIDOU M, TSIROU E, STERGIOU G, KONSTAS A, SARAFIDIS P, ROUSSIAS L, LASARIDIS A. The effect of hospitalization on 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure. 19th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2009.
- STERGIOU GS, RARRA V, KOLLIAS A, ROUSSIAS LG. Ambulatory arterial stiffness index: comparison and reproducibility of 24-hour, daytime and nighttime values. 19th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2009.
- STERGIOU GS, RARRA V, KOLLIAS A, NASOTHIMIOU E, ROUSSIAS LG. Arterial stiffness index based on ambulatory (AASI) versus home (HASI) blood pressure measurements. 19th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2009.
- STERGIOU GS, KOLLIAS A, GIOVAS P, PAPAGIANNIS J, ROUSSIAS L. Assessment of arterial stiffness indices in children and adolescents. 25th American Society of Hypertension Meeting. New York, US, 05/2010.
- KOLLIAS A, PROTOGEROU A, STERGIOU GS. Oscillometric determination of the ankle-brachial index versus Doppler. 25th American Society of Hypertension Meeting. New York, US, 05/2010.
- STERGIOU GS, DESTOUNIS A, KOLLIAS A, NASOTHIMIOU E, TZAMOURANIS D, EVANGELOU E, ROUSSIAS L. Changing relationship between clinic, ambulatory and home blood pressure with increasing age. 20th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Oslo 6/2010.
- STERGIOU GS, KOLLIAS A, GIOVAS P, PAPAGIANNIS J, ROUSSIAS L, VAZEOU A. Blood pressure variability and target-organ damage in children and adolescents. 20th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Oslo 6/2010.
- KOLLIAS A, SKLIROS E, STERGIOU GS, LEOTSAKOS N, GIKAS A, TOLIKA F, SINAPI A, SOTIRIOU A, PAPADOPOULOU M, SARIDI M, GARIFALLOS D. Obesity and high blood pressure among schoolchildren in Greece. 20th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Oslo 6/2010.
- STERGIOU GS, GIOVAS P, KOLLIAS A, RARRA V, PAPAGIANNIS J, ROUSSIAS L. Relationship of home and ambulatory blood pressure with target organ damage in children and adolescents. 20th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Oslo 6/2010.
- STERGIOU GS, KARPETTAS N, ATKINS N, O’BRIEN E. Impact of applying the more stringent validation criteria of the revised European Society of Hypertension International Protocol (ESH-IP) 2010 in previous validation studies. 20th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Oslo 6/2010.
- STERGIOU GS, KARPETTAS N, PROTOGEROU A, NASOTHIMIOU E, KOLLIAS A, MOYSSAKIS I. Home blood pressure measurements are superior to clinic and ambulatory measurements in predicting target-organ damage in hypertension. 20th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Oslo 6/2010.
- STERGIOU GS, KARPETTAS N, PROTOGEROU A, E NASOTHIMIOU, MOYSSAKIS I. Treatment-induced changes in clinic vs. home vs. ambulatory blood pressure and target-organ damage: An interim analysis. 20th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Oslo 6/2010.
- STERGIOU GS, NASOTHIMIOU EG, TZAMOURANIS D, ROUSSIAS LG. Home versus ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in the evaluation of resistant hypertension. 20th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Oslo 6/2010.
- STERGIOU GS, LOURIDA P, TZAMOURANIS D. Replacing the mercury manometer with
an oscillometric device in a hypertension clinic: implications for clinical decision-making. 20th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Oslo 6/2010. - KOLLIAS A, PANTSIOTOU K, KARPETTAS N, STERGIOU GS. Tracking of blood pressure from childhood to adolescence in a greek cohort. 20th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Oslo 6/2010.
- KOLLIAS A, PSILOPATIS I, KARAGIAOURI E, GLARAKI M, GRAMMATIKOS E, DESTOUNIS A, GRAMMATIKOS EE, STERGIOU GS. Adiposity, blood pressure and carotid imt in Greek children and adolescents. 20th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Oslo 6/2010.
- DESTOUNIS A, CHOLIDOU K, KOLLIAS A, KARPETTAS N, MARKOZANNES E, ALCHANATIS E, STERGIOU GS. Nocturnal home blood pressure and Obstructive sleep apnea. 21st European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2011.
- VERBERK W, A KOLLIAS, STERGIOU GS. Automated oscillometric determination of the Ankle brachial index (ABI): a meta-analysis. Nocturnal home blood pressure and obstructive sleep apnea. 21st European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2011.
- STERGIOU GS, DESTOUNIS A, KOLLIAS A, TZAMOURANIS D, KARPETTAS N, KALOGEROPOULOS P, ANDREADIS E. Accuracy of automated oscillometric blood pressure measurement in patients with atrial fibrillation. Nocturnal home blood pressure and obstructive sleep apnea. 21st European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2011.
- STERGIOU GS, LASARIDIS A, on behalf of HELLENIC SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF HYPERTENSION AND THE HELLENIC SOCIETY OF HYPERTENSION. Prospective evaluation of the Pharmacological management of hypertension in clinical practice in Greece: the DEMANT study. Nocturnal home blood pressure and obstructive sleep apnea. 21st European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2011.
- STERGIOU GS, KOLLIAS A, GIOVAS P, ROUSSIAS LG. Determinants of arterial stiffness in children and adolescents. Nocturnal home blood pressure and obstructive sleep apnea. 21st European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2011.
- STERGIOU GS, NASOTHIMIOU EG, OMBONI S, DE LA SIERRA A, RUILOPE LM, PARATI G. Diagnostic accuracy of home blood Pressure monitoring: the MEDIT-HABP study (Mediterranean Home vs. Ambulatory BP). Nocturnal home blood pressure and obstructive sleep apnea. 21st European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2011.
- PARATI G, OMBONI S, STERGIOU GS, DE LA SIERRA A, DOLAN E, HEAD G, KAHAN T, KANTOLA I, KAWECKA-JASZCZ K, NARKIEWICZ K, OHKUBO T, SIEGELOVÀ J, SILVA E, ZHANG Y, MANCIA G, on behalf of ARTEMIS (International Ambulatory Blood Pressure Registry: Telemonitoring of Hypertension and Cardiovascular Risk Project) investigators. Hypertension phenotypes defined by office and Ambulatory blood pressure in 9,153 subjects Referred to hypertension clinics in four Continents: the ARTEMIS international registry. Nocturnal home blood pressure and obstructive sleep apnea. 21st European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2011.
- STERGIOU GS, KARPETTAS N, KOLLIAS A, DESTOUNIS A, TZAMOURANIS D. A perfect replacement for the mercury sphygmomanometer: the case of the hybrid blood pressure monitor. Nocturnal home blood pressure and obstructive sleep apnea. 21st European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2011.
- STERGIOU GS, BLIZIOTIS IA, DESTOUNIS A. Association of home blood pressure with left ventricular mass index: a metaanalysis. Nocturnal home blood pressure and obstructive sleep apnea. 21st European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2011.
- KOLLIAS A, XILOMENOS A, PROTOGEROU A, DIMAKAKOS E, STERGIOU GS. Automated oscillometric ankle brachial index (ABI) assessment: how many measurements are required? Nocturnal home blood pressure and obstructive sleep apnea. 21st European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2011.
- KOLLIAS A, XILOMENOS A, PROTOGEROU A, DIMAKAKOS E, STERGIOU GS. Short term reproducibility of automated oscillometric ankle brachial index (ABI) measurement. Nocturnal home blood pressure and obstructive sleep apnea. 21st European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2011.
- PARATI G, OMBONI S, STERGIOU GS, NASOTHIMIOU EG, DE LA SIERRA A, RUILOPE LM. Predictors of isolated clinic and masked hypertension based on home or ambulatory blood pressure: the Medit-habp (Mediterranean Home vs. Ambulatory BP) study. Nocturnal home blood pressure and obstructive sleep apnea. 21st European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2011.
- STERGIOU GS, KOLLIAS A, TZAMOURANIS D, RARRA V, ROUSSIAS LG. Reproducibility of 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure variability indices. Nocturnal home blood pressure and obstructive sleep apnea. 21st European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2011.
- STERGIOU GS, NASOTHIMIOU EG, DESTOUNIS A, EVAGELOU I, TZAMOURANIS D, ROUSSIAS LG. Home versus ambulatory monitoring in the assessment of the diurnal blood pressure profile and the detection of non-dippers. Nocturnal home blood pressure and obstructive sleep apnea. 21st European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2011.
- STERGIOU GS, DESTOUNIS A, KOLLIAS A, KALOGEROPOULOS P. Seasonal variation of clinic, home and ambulatory blood pressure measurements. Nocturnal home blood pressure and obstructive sleep apnea. 21st European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2011.
- NASOTHIMIOU EG, KARPETTAS N, DESTOUNIS A, STERGIOU GS. Patients’ preference for out-of-office blood pressure evaluation method: Ambulatory or home monitoring? Nocturnal home blood pressure and obstructive sleep apnea. 21st European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2011.
- NASOTHIMIOU EG, KARPETTAS N, DESTOUNIS A, PROTOGEROU A, MOYSSAKIS I, STERGIOU GS. Clinic, home and ambulatory blood pressure variability as independent predictors of target organ damage. Nocturnal home blood pressure and obstructive sleep apnea. 21st European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2011.
- NASOTHIMIOU EG, KARPETTAS N, DESTOUNIS A, MOYSSAKIS I, TZAMOURANIS D, STERGIOU GS. Blood pressure variability assessed by clinic, home and ambulatory measurements.
- SYMEONIDIS A, KAROTSIS A, RARRA V, KARPETTAS N, STERGIOU GS. Greek Association of General Practitioners (ELEGEIA). Hypertension guidelines implementation and multiple cardiovascular risk factor control in general practice (HYGIA-GP study). Nocturnal home blood pressure and obstructive sleep apnea. 21st European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2011.
- PROTOGEROU AD, PAPAIOANNOU TG, NASOTHIMIOU E, KONSTANTOPOULOU A, SKLIROS N, STEFANADIS C, BLACHER J, SAFAR M, PAPADOGIANNIS D, ACHIMASTOS A, STERGIOU GS. Effect of body position on the measurements of central hemodynamic parameters: “Please have a sit?” or “Please lie down?” ARTERY 2011, Paris, 10/2011.
- PARATI G, OMBONI S, STERGIOU GS, DE LA SIERRA A, DOLAN E, HEAD G, KAHAN T, KANTOLA I, KAWECKA-JASZCZ K, MALAN L, NARKIEWICZ K, OHKUBO T, SIEGELOVA J, SILVA E, ZHANG Y, MANCIA G. Geographical features and determinants of masked hypertension in 9,753 hypertensive subjects from 5 continents: the Artemis International Registry. 22th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, London 4/2012.
- STERGIOU GS, KARPETTAS N, DESTOUNIS A, TZAMOURANIS D, NASOTHIMIOU E, KOLLIAS A, MOISSAKIS I, ROUSSIAS L. Home blood pressure monitoring alone is as good as combined clinic and ambulatory measurements in following treatment induced changes in blood pressure and organ damage. 22th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, London 4/2012.
- KARPETTAS N, DESTOUNIS A, TZAMOURANIS D, NASOTHIMIOU E, PROTOGEROU A, MOISSAKIS I, ROUSSIAS L, ACHIMASTOS A, STERGIOU GS. Prediction of treatment induced changes in target organ damage by changes in clinic, home, and ambulatory blood pressure. 22th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, London 4/2012.
- GIOVAS P, NASOTHIMIOU E, RARRA V, STERGIOU GS. Long-term reproducibility of hypertension phenotypes assessed by home blood pressure monitoring in children and adolescents. 22th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, London 4/2012.
- NASOTHIMIOU E, EVAGELOU I, VITETZAKI E, DAFNI M, VAZEOU A, STERGIOU GS. Influence of physical activity on ambulatory and home blood pressure in children and adolescents. 22th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, London 4/2012.
- STERGIOU GS, KOLLIAS A, DESTOUNIS A. Automated blood pressure measurement in atrial fibrillation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 22th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, London 4/2012.
- KOLLIAS1 A, STERGIOU1 G, DOLAN2 E, O'BRIEN3 E. Ambulatory arterial stiffness index: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 22th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, London 4/2012.
- KARPETTAS N, DESTOUNIS A, TZAMOURANIS D, PROTOGEROU A, MOISSAKIS I, TRIANTAFYLLIDOU E, ROUSSIAS L, STERGIOU GS. Home blood pressure measurements are more closely associated with target-organ damage than clinic or ambulatory measurements. 22th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, London 4/2012.
- NASOTHIMIOU E, DESTOUNIS A, POULIDAKIS E, TZAMOURANIS D, STERGIOU GS. Patients' preference in the assessment of the diurnal blood variation: ambulatory or home monitoring? 22th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, London 4/2012.
- CHOLIDOU K, NASOTHIMIOU E, TRIANTAFYLLIDOU E, MARKOZANNES E, ALCHANATIS E, STERGIOU GS. Nocturnal blood pressure assessed by home versus ambulatory monitoring in obstructive sleep apnea. 22th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, London 4/2012.
- TSAKIRI C, STERGIOU GS, BOIVIN J. Implementation of home blood pressure monitoring in general practice. 22th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, London 4/2012.
- DESTOUNIS A, KALOGEROPOULOS P, KOLLIAS A, ROUSSIAS L, STERGIOU GS. The seasonal variation in temperature does not affect nocturnal blood pressure. 22th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, London 4/2012.
- NASOTHIMIOU E, VITETZAKI E, EVAGELOU I, DAFNI M, VAZEOU A, STERGIOU GS. Relationship of arterial stiffness with clinic, home and ambulatory blood pressure in children and adolescents. 22th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, London 4/2012.
- ARGYRIS A, VRACHATIS D, NASOTHIMIOU E, PAPAIOANNOU T, TZAMOURANIS D, BLACHER J, SAFAR M, SFIKAKIS P, STERGIOU GS, PROTOGEROU A. Reproducibility of aortic hemodynamic parameters assessed by a non-invasive brachial cuff-based 24 h ambulatory oscillometric device. 22th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, London 4/2012.
- VIIGIMAA M, WOJCIECHOWSKA W, KAWECKA-JASZCZ K, CZARNECKA D, KLOCEK M, OLSZANECKA A, STOLARZ-SKRZYPEK K, TOFT I, STERGIOU GS, NASOTHIMIOU E, KOTSIS V, AGABITI ROSEI E, SALVETTI M, DOROBANTU M, MARTELL CLAROS N, COCA A, HERNANDEZ R, DOMÉNECH M. Identification of the hemodynamic modulators (volemia, inotropy and vasoactivity) and hemodynamic status in uncontrolled hypertensive patients. 22th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, London 4/2012.
- KOLLIAS A, KARPETTAS N, DESTOUNIS A, TZAMOURANIS D, NASOTHIMIOU E, PROTOGEROU A, ROUSSIAS L, STERGIOU GS. Disparate effects of antihypertensive drug treatment on indices of arterial stiffness. 22th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, London 4/2012.
- VITETZAKI E, GEORGAKOPOULOS D, NASOTHIMIOU E, PAPADOPOULOU A, VAKAKI M, STERGIOU GS, A. Clinic and home blood pressure measurements are related with abdominal obesity, atherosclerosis and cardiac function in normotensive obese children and adolescents. 22th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, London 4/2012.
- ARGYRIS A, NASOTHIMIOU E, VRACHATIS D, PAPAIOANNOU T, TZAMOURANIS D, BLACHER J, SAFAR M, SFIKAKIS P, STERGIOU GS, PROTOGEROU A. Feasibility and reproducibility of a non-invasive 24 hour ambulatory aortic blood pressure monitoring with a brachial cuff-based oscillometric device. 22th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, London 4/2012.
- DAFNI M, NASOTHIMIOU E, TRIANTAFYLLIDOU E, KALOGEROPOULOS P, STERGIOU GS. Automated atrial fibrillation diagnosis during oscillometric 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring: a pilot controlled study. 23rd European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2013.
- KOLLIAS A, DAFNI M, KALOGEROPOULOS P, DESTOUNIS A, ANDREADIS E, MOISSAKIS I, STERGIOU GS. Blood pressure measurement in atrial fibrillation: association with left atrial size and left ventricular hypertrophy. 23rd European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2013.
- NASOTHIMIOU E, DAFNI M, ROUSSIAS L, STERGIOU GS. White coat hypertension phenomenon defined by ambulatory blood pressure monitoring: influence of nocturnal blood pressure. 23rd European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2013.
- KARPETTAS N, KOLLIAS A, MOISSAKIS I, ROUSSIAS L, ACHIMASTOS A, STERGIOU GS. Treatment-induced changes in clinic, home and ambulatory blood pressure variability: prediction of changes in target organ damage. 23rd European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2013.
- NIIRANEN T, ASAYAMA K, THIJS L, JOHANSSON J, OHKUBO T, KIKUYA M, HOZAWA A, STERGIOU GS, TSUJI I, JULA A, IMAI Y, STAESSEN JA. Number of home blood pressure measurements in relation to cardiovascular outcome in the IDHOCO database. 23rd European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2013.
- STERGIOU GS, KOLLIAS A, TZAMOURANIS D, DAFNI M, DESTOUNIS A, KARPETTAS N, ANDREADIS E, KALOGEROPOULOS P. Sequential versus simultaneous measurements protocol for the Validation of an automated blood pressure monitor in atrial fibrillation. 23rd European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2013.
- ANDREADIS E, AGALIOTIS G, STERGIOU GS, KOLYVAS G, KOLLIAS A, ANGELOPOULOS E, BAYRAM C, EVANGELATOU I, SVENTZOURI S, MASTAKOURA G, GEORGIOPOULOS G, KOKKINOS D, KAKOU M, ROUSKA E, MOUSOULIS G. Nocturnal blood pressure assessed by home versus ambulatory monitoring: association with target-organ damage. 23rd European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2013.
- OMBONI S, MANCIA G, STERGIOU GS, DE LA SIERRA A, ARISTIZABAL D, DOLAN E, HEAD G, KAHAN T, KANTOLA I, KARIO K, KAWECKA-JASZCZ K, MALAN L, NARKIEWICZ K, OHKUBO T, SIÈGELOVÀ J, SILVA E, ZHANG Y, PARATI G. Determinants of dipping status in 14,143 hypertensive subjects from five continents: data from the ARTEMIS international registry. 23rd European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2013.
- KOLLIAS A, KARPETTAS N, MOISSAKIS I, ROUSSIAS L, ACHIMASTOS A, STERGIOU GS. Home blood pressure variability and instability: Influence of antihypertensive treatment and association with treatment-induced changes in target-organ damage. 23rd European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2013.
- KOLLIAS A, DAFNI M, POULIDAKIS E, STERGIOU GS. Out of office blood pressure and target organ damage in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 23rd European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2013.
- KOLLIAS A, DAFNI M, KALOGEROPOULOS P, NASOTHIMIOU E, DESTOUNIS A, TZAMOURANIS D, ROUSSIAS L, STERGIOU GS. 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure variability in patients with atrial fibrillation. 23rd European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2013.
- ANDREADIS E, KOLLIAS A, STERGIOU GS, KOLYVAS G, BAYRAM C, AGALIOTIS G, EVANGELATOU I, SVENTZOURI S, MASTAKOURA G, ROUSKA E, MOUSOULIS G. Association between automated office blood pressure measurement and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in untreated hypertensives. 23rd European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2013.
- NASOTHIMIOU E, DAFNI M, ROUSSIAS L, STERGIOU GS. Isolated nocturnal masked hypertension phenomenon: prevalence and features. 23rd European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2013.
- NASOTHIMIOU E, KOLLIAS A, DAFNI M, TZAMOURANIS D, ROUSSIAS L, STERGIOU GS. Performance of 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in atrial fibrillation. 23rd European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2013.
- NTINERI A, DAFNI M, KOLLIAS A, GEORGAKOPOULOS D, MOISSAKIS I, VAZEOU A, STERGIOU GS. Association of central versus peripheral office blood pressure with left ventricular mass index in young individuals: a pilot study. European and International Society of Hypertension Meeting, Athens, 6/2014.
- STERGIOU GS, MYRSILIDI A, KOLLIAS A, DESTOUNIS A, KALOGEROPOULOS P, ROUSSIAS L. Seasonal variation of blood pressure: Association with changes in meteorological parameters and predicting factors. European and International Society of Hypertension Meeting, Athens, 6/2014.
- DAFNI M, DINERI A, KOLLIAS A, NASOTHIMIOU E, VAZEOU A, STERGIOU GS. Association of central versus peripheral systolic blood pressure with pulse wave velocity in children and adolescents. European and International Society of Hypertension Meeting, Athens, 6/2014.
- KARPETTAS N, STERGIOU GS, KOLLIAS A, DAFNI M, ATKINS N, O’ BRIEN E, LEE J, CHEE Y. A new method for reference blood pressure measurement: Digital sphygmocorder II pilot study. European and International Society of Hypertension Meeting, Athens, 6/2014.
- LEE J, CHEE Y, KIM IY, KARPETTAS N, STERGIOU GS, ATKINS N, O’BRIEN E. Design of high fidelity digital recording and playback system of sphygmomanometry: Digital sphygmocorder II. European and International Society of Hypertension Meeting, Athens, 6/2014.
- ANDREADIS E, AGALIOTIS G, KOLYVAS G, EVANGELATOU E, BAYRAM C, SVENTZOURI S, KARAGOUNI I, PSOUNIS K, STERGIOU GS, MOUSOULIS G. Home versus ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in the evaluation of nocturnal blood pressure load. European and International Society of Hypertension Meeting, Athens, 6/2014.
- DAFNI M, NASOTHIMIOU E, KOLLIAS A, NTINERI A, VAZEOU A, STERGIOU GS. Lifestyle patterns and arterial stiffness in children and adolescents. European and International Society of Hypertension Meeting, Athens, 6/2014.
- WOHLFAHRT P, KRAJCOVIECHOVA A. VANEK J, FILIPOVSKY J, BERECZKI D, KOVACS T, HORNYAK C, WALTERS MR,. MARTÍNEZ GARCÍA F, PINTO PLA C, DOMENECH M, GÓMEZ-RUIZ JC, MANOLIS AJ, KOROBOKI E, TSIOUFIS C, STERGIOU GS, DAFNI M, DOUMAS M, HATZITOLIOS AI, CIFKOVÀ R. Hypertension management in the acute phase of ischemic stroke in five European countries. The ESH stroke survey. European and International Society of Hypertension Meeting, Athens, 6/2014.
- BOUBOUCHAIROPOULOU N, KARPETTAS N, ATHANASAKIS K, KOLLIAS A, PROTOGEROU A, ACHIMASTOS A, STERGIOU GS. Cost analysis of home blood pressure monitoring versus combined clinic and ambulatory measurements in hypertension management. European and International Society of Hypertension Meeting, Athens, 6/2014.
- KOLLIAS A, RARRA V, KARPETTAS N, ROUSSIAS L, O’BRIEN E, STERGIOU GS. Treatment-induced changes in ambulatory arterial stiffness index: one-year prospective study and meta-analysis. 24th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2015.
- KOLLIAS A, ZENIODI M, LAGOU S, STERGIOU GS. Central versus peripheral blood pressure in predicting target-organ damage a systematic review and meta-analysis. 24th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2015.
- NTINERI A, KOLLIAS A, ZENIODI M, MOYSSAKIS I, GEORGAKOPOULOS D, SERVOS G, VAZEOU A, STERGIOU GS. 24-hour ambulatory central blood pressure variability and target-organ damage in adolescents and young adults. 24th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2015.
- NTINERI A, DAFNI M, NASOTHIMIOU EG, KOLLIAS A, ROUSSIAS L, STERGIOU GS. Diagnostic agreement of the European Society Of Hypertension home blood monitoring schedule with ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in untreated and treated subjects. 24th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2015.
- BOUBOUCHAIROPOULOU N, KOLLIAS A, ZENIODI M, NTINERI A, MOYSSAKIS I, GEORGAKOPOULOS D, VAZEOU A, STERGIOU GS. The optimal home blood pressure monitoring schedule in young individuals: association with left ventricular mass index and ambulatory blood pressure. 24th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2015.
- ANDREADIS E, AGALIOTIS G, KOLLIAS A, ACHIMASTOS A, STERGIOU GS. Nighttime home versus ambulatory blood pressure and target-organ damage. 24th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2015.
- BOUBOUCHAIROPOULOU N, ATKINS N, O’BRIEN E, STERGIOU GS. Reliability of scientific meetings and journals’ review process in evaluating validation studies of blood pressure monitors. 24th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2015.
- KOLLIAS A, AGALIOTIS G, ANDREADIS E, ACHIMASTOS A, STERGIOU GS. The optimal nighttime home blood pressure monitoring schedule: agreement with nighttime ambulatory blood pressure and association with organ damage. 24th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2015.
- NTINERI A, KOLLIAS A, ZENIODI M, MOYSSAKIS I, GEORGAKOPOULOS D, SERVOS G, VAZEOU A, STERGIOU GS. Central ambulatory versus clinic blood pressure: association with target-organ damage in adolescents and young individuals. 24th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2015.
- NTINERI A, KOLLIAS A, ZENIODI M, VAZEOU A, STERGIOU GS. 24-hour ambulatory central versus peripheral blood pressure variability in young individuals. 24th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2015.
- KARPETTAS N, BOUBOUCHAIROPOULOU N, ATKINS N, O’BRIEN E, STERGIOU GS. Validation studies of blood pressure monitors around the world: update of implementation and results.
- ZENIODI M, KOLLIAS A, NTINERI A, BOUBOUCHAIROPOULOU N, DAFNI M, GEORGAKOPOULOS D, VAZEOU A, STERGIOU GS. Out of office blood pressure and preclinical organ damage in young individuals. 24th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2015.
- NTINERI A, DAFNI M, NASOTHIMIOU EG, KOLLIAS A, ROUSSIAS L, STERGIOU GS. Performance of the European Society Of Hypertension home blood monitoring schedule in diagnosing hypertension phenotypes in children and adolescents. 24th European Society of Hypertension Meeting, Milan 6/2015.